Thursday, December 10, 2009

Working the Bag

Nate is getting stronger, drinking 6-7 oz of milk in a sitting, sucking it down like a little, well, like a little boy I guess. At night, sure he's a kind of grumpy. Sure smiles aren't necessarily flowing. But he has his milk, which he devourers until he gets gassy and passes out at 7-8PM. We are putting him in his crib at about 9:30ish, where he sleeps until exactly 4:00AM. He wakes with a howl. Shana feeds him. At 7:00AM (again, not a minute or two earlier or later, the body clock is incredible) he awakens again with a terrifying scream. HE'S UP!!!!!!!!!!! We hang in bed the three of us and we feed Nate until it's time for me to go to work. It's a family rhythm we find ourselves in. It's pretty nice.

This is Nate kicking in his stroller today. It's like he's working the bag in a boxing gym. I like the eye-leg coordination!


  1. He is a natural and he knows that actions have consequences. Remarkable and adorable little baby boy with fat cheeks. xx Nana
