Monday, October 15, 2012

Mack's balls

We learned from the doctor that Mack’s undescended testicle (which he was born with) had apparently created a hernia and he had to have surgery to correct both. He bravely underwent the knife last Friday morning and as it turns out there was no hernia. But the balls are back and Mack was a superchamp. All the nurses in the hospital gaga-ed over him and he was an angel in the waiting room even though he hadn’t eaten anything for hours. 

He recovered easily and was happily playing the next morning.

In fact Mack’s happy outgoing personality is really showing lately. Today we went to Frolic where he charmed every mom and nanny—one mom even told me he made her day by giggling when she made funny faces at him. He follows little kids around just wanting to play with them and smiling hugely when anyone looks his way.

He is also very physically energetic—making his way everywhere, under chairs and tables, unafraid of getting hurt or stuck and not too concerned when he does. He is strong and hard to contain sometimes, especially when trying to get him dressed—which he hates. I remember Nate bring much more mellow—sitting on a lounge chair in Mexico – but Mack doesn’t stay in one place very long and when confined to the car seat or stroller, starts to lose it. 

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