Mack is colic. In the past, when parents complained to me about their colicky kids, I responded with things like, "That must be hard" or "No way that sounds insane." I more or less meant it -- there was empathy there -- but I didn't really know or contemplate what anyone was talking about. Often, I was thinking of other things, like cheese.
But now that my boy Mack is colic, I regret my narcissism and cold withdrawal. If I could speak to those parents now, I would say, "HOLY SHIT THIS SUCKS HOW ARE WE GOING TO MAKE IT THROUGH THIS??!!" The fussiness, irritabiltiy, red-faced shrieking, pissed off noises and general discomfort are relentless. There's little rest. But we have no choice; we plod on...
Oy - poor little guy, poor parents, I don't know who to feel sorrier for. I'm sending big hugs to all of you.