Nate is on the move these days. It's not a crawl so much as a gimpy lurch, a lunging scoot. It's good to see him more or less mobile. We weren't that worried that he wasn't crawling, it's just that we were worried he wasn't crawling. But as new parents, I think we handled it pretty well. We didn't panic. Sure we took the free help from NYC's early intervention program, but what was the downside in that? We didn't take him to an orthopedic specialist. We didn't take him to Canada or Finland to discuss options with some international guru. We encouraged and urged Nate on, but we didn't torture him, much to the chagrin of NYC's early intervention person. Anyway, now that Nate can move, he's getting into things and carrying on with great spirit. Plus, now that he's mobile, it's fun to put him in a box to see if he can escape. So far, he can't, like in this picture.
Of note at 1 year and a few weeks...
- Nate is extremely chatty, like, to the point that he doesn't shut up. KIRCHA KIRCHA KOW!!
- He absolutely HATES being changed. Every time. He bawls with hurt and you have to distract him with a song or a toy that sings.
- We've said "no" to Nate a few times, mostly when he throws something from his food tray. "No," we say sternly. He makes eye contact. He feels bad. His face contorts in sorrow and his bottom lip shakes until he bursts out in tears.
- Nate dances when he hears music. He waves his arms as if he's surfing. This kid will enjoy music, that's for sure.
- He laughs with glee if you bite his chest or belly. He's ticklish and laughs with abandonment.
- He's a great sleeper. He goes to bed at about 7-7:30, usually with little fuss. He wakes up at about 6:30-7.
- He's listening to "Oh Susana" in his crib over and over and over again.